Austin Newcomer Resources

If you’re new to Austin, here’s where you’ll find a growing list of the best resources, events, and local connectors to get you situated in the city’s business community.

I update this regularly with new recommendations as I continue my own journey putting roots down in Austin.

Best Ongoing Events

If you’re looking to get connected, and meet other great people in a welcoming environment, I recommend…

  • The Board Walks: This event’s outstanding. Every Saturday, a group of curious people gathers downtown to share a 5-mile walk around the lake, and thought-provoking discussions. The event’s free, but the “ticket” for admission is that you must bring one topic you want to talk about. There are many great events in Austin. Most of their hosts go to this one (making it the fastest way, in my opinion, to get connected in the city).

Austin Newsletters

If you want to stay up to date on what’s going on around town, there are a lot of options. Here are my favorites, based on topic.

  • Austin Business Review (duh!): Every week, I curate events and insights specifically for local business owners.

  • ATX Today: I subscribe to just about every daily Austin newsletter, and this may be my favorite because of the quality of their analysis

  • Lite + Brite: This weekly roundup of fun, funky events is definitely more on the keep-Austin-weird side of the scale. Great way to find fun, artsy things to do around you.

  • Selling Austin: If you care about real estate at all, you’ve gotta sign up for Kirtana Reddy’s newsletter on the local market. Trust me, just go subscribe.

Austin Business Podcasts

If you want to stay tapped into the local startup / innovation community, check out these options: